
Welcome to Rescue Beagle USA.

This blog is dedicated to Lucky, my sweet little girl who passed away in her sleep peacefully on 12-14-12. Lucky was a lemon beagle and came to us as a "rescue" when she was about 3-years old. While she was initially scared, the poor thing was all of 20-lbs (and for her size that was severely under weight) with lots of love and snacks she became the best friend a person could ever have - please give a rescue beagle a second change!

Friday, August 10, 2012

Shame on Fayette SPCA!!!!!


Following substantial social media chatter and an online campaign seeking "justice," Channel 11 News has learned that the owners of a dog in Connellsville will be cited.

The beagle, now known as "Buddy," died earlier this month in Bullskin Township.

After receiving hundreds of emails and Facebook posts in regard to the animal's death, Channel 11 investigated and found out that the dog was from Fayette County.

“The neighbor that ended up eventually taking it to the vet clinic to have it looked at had been calling the SPCA here locally and several other organizations over the course of the last year to report the conditions of the dog. Apparently he received no help from anyone,” Pennsylvania State Police Trooper Stefani Plume said.

Since first learning about the dog's death, Channel 11 has kept in contact with state police and found out Tuesday that they plan on filing two citations against the owner: one for animal cruelty and one for not properly licensing the pet.

The two people who live in the house, Kelly Lazar and Mike Butler, will have to go before a magistrate and explain what happened to the dog.

State police said they interviewed the Fayette SPCA and asked why they didn’t check on the dog after repeated calls by neighbors.

“Their answer was that the dog wasn’t licensed, therefor they didn’t go out to the house to check on the animal,” Plume said.

Fayette SPCA claims that no one ever called to complain about the dog's condition. They said they first learned of the dog when Channel 11 News contacted them after the dog had died.

Lazar and Butler have not commented on the issue.

Stolen Beagle Reunited with Owner

Happy ending to a sad story.

Monalisa, a cute beagle was reunited with her owner Jenny Malone. "Mona" was allegedly taken from outside a West Village bakery on July 30th.

Luckely, Mona is now back with Jenny.

The lesson to this sad story is -- do not leave your dog unattended, no matter how safe you feel the area is . . . to read the entire story, click here.

Wednesday, August 8, 2012

Beagle Battles Bedbug Problem

 Three cheers for Ms. Liberty Bell, a 2 1/2 year old beagle who came to the bedbug rescue for Wichita’s Central Library.

The library was closed after a patron found a bedbug on a library chair. Upon further inspection other bedbugs were found and this is when it was decided to bring in Ms. Bell.

She spent three hours hunting for bedbugs at a cost of $250.00 per hour. Ms. Bell resides in Norman, OK and works for a K9 Special Forces.

Because of her find, the library is now heat-treating all upholstered public seating chairs to solve their bedbug problem.

If you would like to read the entire article, click here.

If you have a similar story, please share! Post a comment below.

Read more here:

Anal glands update

It's been sometime since I wrote about Lucky and her anal glands. I decided to go to another veterinarian and her suggested was to get Lucky annal glands expressed every two-weeks and see how she does. Well I decided to give this a go and for the first several months I did as requested: I took Lucky in to have her annal glands expressed. After about 3.5 months, the veterinarian suggested we change the visits to every three-weeks. We did this for another several months and I now take Lucky in every month. I'm thrilled. And so is Lucky. I still feed her pumpkin (I found that when I took her off pumpkin her stools got runny.) and she seams to like how it tastes . . . win win for all! I buy the large can of Shop-Rite pumpkin for $1.99 and it lasts over a week. I add two to three tablespoons to each meal. It does not matter what brand you buy, just make sure it's 100% pumpkin and does not have additional stuff like nutmeg or other spices.